RIVF 2023: International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies
2023-06-30 Extended
Hanoi, Vietnam
閲覧: 2400   追跡: 0   出席: 0

Conference topics

The conference solicits submission of research papers in major areas of communication and computing, organized into seven tracks. Relevant topics of each track include, but are not limited to:

Language and Speech Processing

Morphology, Syntax (tagging, chunking, and parsing), Semantics, Large Language Models, Discourse and Pragmatics, Information Extraction, Information Retrieval, Question Answering, Machine Translation, Automatic Speech Recognition
Image, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition

Object Detection and Recognition, Image Segmentation, Image Classification, Deep Learning for Computer Vision, Feature Extraction and Matching, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Face Recognition, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Video Processing and Analysis.

Communications, Networking, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing

5/6G wireless communication systems and networks, Internet of Things (IoT) architectures and protocols, Cloud computing architectures and platforms, Network virtualization and software-defined networking (SDN), Network security and privacy, Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), Fog and edge computing, Content delivery networks (CDNs), Quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE), Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication.

Cyber-Security, Cryptography, Blockchain & applications

Cybersecurity threat detection and prevention techniques, Cryptography algorithms and protocols, Blockchain technology and applications, Secure communication protocols, Digital forensics and incident response, Network security and intrusion detection, Authentication and access control, Malware analysis and detection, Privacy and anonymity in the digital world, Cybersecurity risk assessment and management.

AI, Data Science, Big Data Analytics, Smart Computing

Machine learning algorithms and techniques, Data mining and knowledge discovery, Natural language processing (NLP), Deep learning and neural networks, Big data analytics and visualization, Statistical modeling and analysis, Computational intelligence, Intelligent systems and agents, Evolutionary computing and genetic algorithms, Recommender systems and personalized marketing.

Software Engineering, Information System, Computational Modelling

Software design and architecture, Software testing and quality assurance, Software maintenance and evolution, Object-oriented programming and design patterns, Agile software development methodologies, Requirements engineering and management, Human-computer interaction (HCI) design, Database systems and data modeling, Web application development, Cloud computing and software as a service (SaaS).
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems0.976Springer0924-6703
cComputer Communications3.167Elsevier0140-3664
International Journal of Computers Communications & Control1.585Agora University1841-9836
International Journal of Computer Applications in TechnologyInderscience0952-8091
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology AIRCC0975-4660
International Journal of Computer Networking and Communication AR Publication2347-4149
Computer Physics Communications4.390Elsevier0010-4655
International Journal of Computer Science Applications & Information Technologies AR Publication2347-453X
China Communications0.424China Communications Magazine, Co., Ltd.1673-5447
bACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications0.982ACM1551-6857