HEIN 2023: International conference on Health Informatics
2023-03-04 Extended
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International conference on Health Informatics (HEIN 2023)
March 11-12, 2023, Virtual Conference

Call for Papers:

The key goal of International conference on Health Informatics (HEIN 2023) is to arrange opportunity for the participants to share their knowledge, innovations , and recent advances in Artificial intelligence in healthcare, Telemedicine, Evolution of remote care, Health care privacy and security in 2022, new ideas and experience in person to join from different parts on the world. Health information system commonly known as health informatics &acts as a hybrid of information technology and healthcare. It includes gathering information, researching, analyzing the present systems, and implementing different solutions to address any and all problems relevant to the healthcare industry. We hope HEIN 2023 outcome will lead to substantial contributions to the knowledge base which is up-to-date in scientific fields.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
•	Health data mining
•	Data mining in health informatics
•	Applications of data mining
•	Clinical care
•	Administration of health services
•	Medical research
•	Data warehousing in health informatics
•	Healthcare decision-making
•	Disease management
•	Challenges of data mining in health informatics
•	Legal and ethical issues
•	Data mining for healthcare management
•	Challenges in data mining for healthcare
•	Telehealth and remote care
•	Analytics and well being
•	Medical devices and sensors
•	Health information technology
•	Problems with health information technology
•	Clinical point of care technology
•	Diagnostic image archiving
•	Patient Billing

Paper Submission

Authors  are  invited  to  submit  papers  through  the  conference  Submission    System  by March 04, 2023(Final Call). Submissions must be original research paper from Scientists, Faculty, Academia, Students, Research Scholars and Industries are invited. Paper should not be published or under publication while evaluating for this conference. The proceedings of the conference will be published by International journal of Bioinformatics and Biosciences (IJBB) (Confirmed)
Selected papers from HEIN 2023, after further revisions, will be published in the special issue of the following journal.
•	Health Informatics: An International Journal (HIIJ)
•	Advanced medical Sciences : An International Journal (AMS)
•	International journal of Advances in Biology (IJAB)

Important Dates

•	Submission Deadline :    March 04, 2023(Final Call)
•	Authors Notification    :    March 02, 2023
•	Final Manuscript Due  :    March 04, 2023

Contact Us

Here's where you can reach us: hein@hein2023.org (or) heinconf@yahoo.com
Submission URL  : https://hein2023.org/submission/index.php
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