Journal Information
Journal of Smart Environments and Green Computing (JSEGC)
OAE Publishing Inc.
Call For Papers
Green Computing refers to a multi-faceted and environmentally sustainable computing environment. In a broad sense, Green Computing focuses on the environmentally responsible and eco-friendly usage of computers being central to the formation of smart environments, exploration of their resources and efficient applications. As such, within this framework, one concentrates on the studies of designing, manufacturing/engineering, using and disposing of computing devices to reduce their environmental impact thus making them environmentally sustainable. Green computing is important for all classes of systems, ranging from handheld devices to large-scale data centers. Green initiatives including renewable energy, smart grids, energy efficiency are essential to the holistic, well thought out buildup of the smart environments. They are of fundamental relevance given the omnipresence of computers when offering solutions to a plethora of problems encountered in smart cities, Internet of Things (IoT), sensor networks, diverse communication channels, user-centricity and centrality of systems, AI-oriented tasks, high complex systems, supporting strategic decisions, high scale logistic problems, rapid crises response strategies, decision-making processes and risk assessment in complex and varying and unpredictable environments.

There has been a great deal of interest in the research discipline of Green Computing as well as its practical implications and a number of journals have expressed vital interest there, however from different albeit somewhat limited viewpoints thus lacking a badly needed broader perspective.

So far there has not been a unified platform that could fill this acute gap by bringing a publishing venue with an ultimate focus on green computing studied in a holistic and unified manner. The ultimate objective of this journal is to bring to the research community and practitioners a stable and recognized platform to disseminate crucial, timely, and far-reaching research results as well as establish a broad forum for fostering vital discussions and accelerate further progress. The main areas of interest include the following:

Power Supply
Power Management
Algorithmic Developments and Deployment Strategies for Green Computing
Energy Management in Data Centres
Green Cloud Computing in Energy Efficiency
Green Wireless Networks
Green Cloud Computing
Green Parallel Computing with Big Data and Data Analytics
Smart Cities
Smart Grid, Smart Agriculture, Smart Ocean
E-learning, Smart education, E-health
Ambient Intelligence
Product Recycling and Recycling Strategies
Advantages and Challenges of Green Computing
Green Computing and Smart Cities
Ambient Intelligence-Based Green Computing
Applications to Manufacturing, Health, Energy Sector, and Education
Green Virtual Technologies
Green Monitoring Systems
Green Energy
Societal Issues 

Submission Information
Articles from 2022-2024 are free of charge for article processing.
Best paper award:
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Contacts: Regnia Liu, Assistant Editor,, wechat:liuxing63
Last updated by Regina Liu in 2022-12-21
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