Información de la conferencia
IMSM 2024: International Conference on Industrial Manufacturing and Structural Materials
Día de Entrega:
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Fecha de Conferencia:
Nanjing, China
Vistas: 3950   Seguidores: 0   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
The 2024 4th International Conferenceon Industrial Manufacturing and Structural Materials(IMSM 2024)serves as good platforms for academics, researchers, and engineers to meet and exchange innovative ideas and information  industrial manufacturing and structural materials. 

We are delighted to invite you to participate in IMSM 2024!

Topics include but are not limited to the following areas:

A. Industrial Manufacturing Technology | 工业制造技术

Intelligent manufacturing technology	智能制造技术
Measure control technologies and intelligent systems	测控技术与智能系统
Mechatronics	机电一体化
New sensing technology    新型传感技术
Precision manufacturing technology	精密制造技术
Micro-electronic packaging technology and equipment	微电子封装技术与设备
Industrial robots and automatic production line	工业机器人和自动生产线
Advanced NC techniques and equipment	先进的数控技术和设备
* Other related topics..	更多相近主题..

B. Structural Materials | 结构材料

High performance metal structural materials	高性能金属结构材料
Lightweight and high strength structural materials	轻质高强度结构材料
High temperature and ultra high temperature structural materials	高温和超高温结构材料
Structural intermetallic compounds	结构金属间化合物
Functional intermetallic compounds	功能性金属间化合物
New inorganic nonmetal materials	新型无机非金属材料
High temperature structural ceramic materials	高温结构陶瓷材料
Polymer synthetic materials	聚合物合成材料
New polymer structural materials	新型高分子结构材料
Nanostructured materials	纳米结构材料
* Other related topics..	更多相近主题..

C. Other Related Topics | 其他相关主题
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2024-01-06
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