Conference Information
APNet 2025: Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking
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Shanghai, China
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Call For Papers
The 9th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking (APNet’25) will be held in Shanghai, China on August 7-8, 2025. Building on the success of its predecessors, APNet’25 will continue to bring together the very best researchers in computer networking and systems across the Asia-Pacific region and around the globe to a live forum discussing innovative ideas at their early stages. The mission of APNet is that promising but not-yet-mature ideas can receive timely feedback from the community and experienced researchers, leading them into publications at major conferences such as SIGCOMM, NSDI, SOSP, OSDI, EuroSys, MobiCom, and CoNEXT.

We invite submissions of short papers (up to 6 pages, excluding references) on a wide range of networking research, including, but not limited to:

    Network architectures and algorithms
    Cloud and wide-area networking systems & infrastructure
    Networking for Machine Learning and Machine Learning for Networking
    Operating system support for networking
    High-speed networking and applications
    Domain-specific networks including datacenter, storage, intra-host networks, etc.
    SDN, NFV, and network programming
    Networking hardware design and application
    Network measurement, monitoring, diagnosis, and operations
    Formal methods and network verification
    Network security and privacy, censorship, transparency
    Network, transport, and application-layer protocols
    Resource management, QoS, and signaling
    Routing, traffic engineering, switching, and addressing
    Wireless, mobile, and sensor networking
    Programmable End Host (e.g., eBPF, SmartNics)

The APNet Technical Program Committee will evaluate submissions based on their novelty, significance, and technical merit, rather than completeness. Innovative and well-reasoned ideas supported by preliminary evaluations are sufficient for APNet. We encourage authors to further develop their APNet papers with robust implementations and experiments, aiming for publication in the aforementioned premier conferences.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-12-09
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