CSIS-IAC 2023: International Annual Conference on Complex Systems and Intelligent Science
2023-08-31 Extended
Shenzhen, China
閲覧: 3123   追跡: 0   出席: 0

CSIS-IAC 2023 aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists, researchers, educators, industrial professionals, and students worldwide to present state-of-the-art research results, address new challenges, and discuss trends in Complex Systems and Intelligent Science. CSIS-IAC 2023 invites scholars in all areas of Complex and Nonlinear Systems, System Analysis and Integration, Intelligent Science and Technology, and Intelligent Systems and Applications. In addition to regular technical sessions with oral and poster presentations, the conference program will include special sessions on topics of current interest.

CSIS-IAC 2023 features plenary/keynote sessions by world leading researchers as well as awards to honor outstanding papers presented at the conference. CSIS-IAC 2023 welcomes proposals for special sessions reporting innovative research results on focused topics and workshops on novel emerging research topics. Please submit special session and workshop proposals to the conference secretariat at  by the paper submission deadline. For more information about the conference, please refer to the conference website for details.

Areas and topics of contributed papers include but are not limited to the following:

1. Complex Systems and Complexity Science
Artificial systems
Autonomous systems
Bio-molecular and cellular systems
Complex networks
Ecological systems
Economic systems
Energy, environment, and sustainability
Hybrid systems
Industrial systems
Intelligent transportation systems
Mathematical, physical and chemical systems
Neurodynamics and brain dynamics
Physiological and psychological systems
Social computing
Social systems
Switching systems

2. System Analysis and Integration
Catastrophe theory
Chaos and synchronization
Cognitive modeling
Complexity in biology and health sciences
Computation and information processing in complex systems
Computational simulation and experiments
Data-based methods
Dissipative structure theory
Dynamic programming
Emergence and complexity
Functional evolution and prediction
Game theory
Information theory
Structural modelling and dynamics of complex systems
System of systems

3. Intelligent Science and Technology
Adaptive dynamic programming and reinforcement learning
Affective computing
Artificial intelligence
Big data and data mining
Brain-inspired computing
Computational intelligence
Computational linguistics
Deep learning
Evolution and adaptation
Evolutionary computation
Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic systems
Genetic algorithms
Human-in-the-loop learning
Hybrid intelligence
Incremental/Active learning
Intelligent optimization
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Machine learning
Natural language processing
Neural networks
Support vector machines
Swarm intelligence

4. Intelligent Systems and Applications
Autonomous control
Autonomous driving
Brain–machine interface
Cognitive computing
Computer vision
Decision-making analysis and methods
Image/video processing
Intelligent control
Intelligent medicine
Internet of things
Learning control and optimization
Metaverse, meta learning and metacontrol
Machine translation
Multi-agent systems
Nature-inspired computing
Neuromorphic computing
Pattern formation and pattern recognition
Parallel control and parallel management
Robotics, navigation and control
Smart environmental protection
Smart sensors
Smart grids
Supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning
Unmanned aerial vehicles
最終更新 Dou Sun 2023-08-31
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
bIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation14.30IEEE1089-778X
AI Communications1.400IOS Press0921-7126
bIEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics3.600IEEE/ACM1545-5963
Security InformaticsSpringer2190-8532
aIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering8.900IEEE1041-4347
cExpert Systems with Applications7.500Elsevier0957-4174
Information Technology & People4.900Emerald0959-3845
bIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing7.500IEEE0196-2892
ACM/IMS Journal of Data ScienceACM2831-3194
bSoftware Testing, Verification and Reliability1.500John Wiley & Sons, Ltd1099-1689