CNCC 2024: International Conference on Computer Network and Cloud Computing
Qingdao, China
閲覧: 1440   追跡: 0   出席: 0


★Computing Network

● Blockchain for emerging networks
● Cellular networks including 6G
● Energy efficiency in networks
● FL for large-scale Internet of Things
● Innovative Internet architectures
● Interference management and mitigation
● Integrated sensing and communication
● Integration of Blockchain
● Internet of Things / Cyber-physical systems
● Machine Learning and AI for networks
● Medium access control
● MIMO-based networking
● Multimedia networking
● Optical networks
● Other Related Topics


●Case studies and theories in cloud computing
 ● Cloud applications in vertical industries
 ● Cloud application, infrastructure and platforms
 ● Cloud based, parallel processing
 ● Cloud computing and semantic web technologies
 ● Cloud computing models, simulations and designs
 ● Cloud computing technologies, services and applications
 ● Cloud slicing
 ● Cloud storage and file systems
 ● Cloud traffic engineering
 ● Design tool for cloud computing
 ● Other Related Topics
最終更新 Dou Sun 2024-03-13
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
cInternational Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems3.200IGI Global1552-6283
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual EnvironmentsMIT Press1054-7460
cFuzzy Sets and Systems3.200Elsevier0165-0114
IEEE Transactions on Haptics2.400IEEE1939-1412
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification1.400Springer1862-5347
cMultimedia Systems3.500Springer0942-4962
cPattern Analysis and Applications3.700Springer1433-7541
bPLoS Computational Biology Public Library of Science1553-734X
cApplied Intelligence3.400Springer0924-669X
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters4.600IEEE2377-3766
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems3.200IGI Global
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual EnvironmentsMIT Press
Fuzzy Sets and Systems3.200Elsevier
IEEE Transactions on Haptics2.400IEEE
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification1.400Springer
Multimedia Systems3.500Springer
Pattern Analysis and Applications3.700Springer
PLoS Computational Biology Public Library of Science
Applied Intelligence3.400Springer
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters4.600IEEE