Journal Information
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS)
Impact Factor:
World Scientific
Call For Papers
Cooperative Information Systems (CIS), whose concept dates back to the mid-90s, were originally defined as independent, federated information systems that can either autonomously execute or cooperate for some tasks toward a common organizational goal. Therefore, this paradigm involves large numbers of data/information/knowledge systems working together over large, complex computer/communication networks. Technologies and approaches such as the Internet, the Web, Service Oriented Computing (SOC), Business Process Management (BPM), Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have supported such systems. They provided this support by adopting both traditional and new software engineering methodologies, organizational theories, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) approaches, innovative Human Computer Interaction (HCI) methods, in order to effectively and efficiently design systems more valuable than the sum of the federated/component systems.

The International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS) addresses the foundations and the frameworks of distributed intelligent interoperable information systems. IJCIS will publish original research papers as well as survey articles describing original ideas and new results that are important to our readers. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Data engineering in CIS:
        Search and query languages;
        Data interface design;
        Transaction management;
        Ontologies, knowledge graphs;
        Data curation;
        Federated and distributed data management;
        Security, privacy and data sovereignty
    Process engineering for CIS:
        Collaborative protocol design, verification and monitoring;
        Business process management (BPM);
        Large scale services;
        Protocol and smart contracts;
        Process execution, monitoring, and improvement;
        Performance evaluation;
        Process mining for/in CIS;
        Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
    System and technology support:
        IOT for/in CIS;
        Cloud and/or edge computing;
        Block chain
    Data analytics and applied AI for CIS:
        Distributed and federated AI;
        Multi agent systems;
        Federated analytics and inference;
        Data mining;
        Social media;
        Autonomous vehicles;
        Public government information systems;
        Smart-X (for houses, offices, buildings, factories);
        Smart cities and regions;
        Supply chains
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-13
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