Journal Information
Brain Informatics
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Brain Informatics is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary open-access journal published under SpringerOpen. Brain Informatics provides a unique platform for researchers and practitioners to disseminate original research outcomes on brain science adopting computational and informatics technologies, especially artificial intelligence. The journal aims at addressing human brain related issues from the computational, cognitive, physiological, biological, physical, ecological and social perspectives. It also solicits excellent works on emerging information technologies and advanced neuro-imaging technologies. Brain Informatics publishes high-quality original research papers, brief reports and critical reviews in all theoretical, technological, clinical and interdisciplinary studies that make up the field of brain informatics and its applications in brain-machine intelligence, brain-inspired intelligent systems, mental health and brain disorders, etc.

The key theme of the journal is "Brain Science meets Artificial Intelligence", and the scope includes five tracks:

Track 1: Cognitive and Computational Foundations of Brain Science
Track 2: Human Information Processing Systems
Track 3: Brain Big Data Analytics, Curation and Management
Track 4: Informatics Paradigms for Brain and Mental Health Research
Track 5: Brain-Machine Intelligence and Brain-Inspired Computing.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-22
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