Journal Information
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

The research on discrete event dynamic systems (DEDSs) is multi-disciplinary in nature and its development has been dynamic. Examples of DEDSs include manufacturing plants, communication networks, computer systems, management information databases, logistics systems, command-control-communication systems, robotics, and other man-made operational systems. The state processes of such systems cannot be described by differential equations in general. The aim of this journal, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, is to publish high-quality, peer-reviewed papers on the modeling and control of, and all other aspects related to, DEDSs. In particular, the journal publishes papers dealing with general theories and methodologies of DEDSs and their applications to any particular subject, including hybrid systems, as well as papers discussing practical problems from which some generally applicable DEDS theories or methodologies can be formulated; The scope of this journal is defined by its emphasis on discrete events and the dynamic nature of the systems and on their modeling, control and optimization.

    Motivation. The Journal welcomes papers describing modeling and control problems with discrete events from all areas of engineering and sciences. The development of the theory of DEDS must continuously be motivated by concrete problems. The term "problem" is interpreted here in a broad sense to include not only problems from the real world but also well-defined problems arising from the methodological context. As a scientific and engineering discipline, DEDS must have both experimental and theoretical components. Carefully designed experiments accumulate evidence upon which a relevant theory can be built. Conversely, analytical and mathematical reasoning pinpoint further experiments to be conducted for theory validation and extension. The Journal shall encourage papers emphasizing this interplay between modeling, experimentation, and mathematical theory. It is not devoted exclusively to the mathematics of DEDS. The Journal aims at providing a science and engineering knowledge base for the studies of DEDS.

    Dynamics of Discrete Event Systems. Recognition of the role of "dynamics" in DEDSs seems crucial for the eventual development of a fruitful theory. While the analysis of DEDS may proceed via many fronts, such as graph theory, queueing theory, simulation, automata, Petri nets, etc., concepts from system theory are expected to play a central role. 

    Control and Optimization. Most real-world DEDS are "man-made" to serve specific purposes, and, thus, they require control and/or management. Theoretical concepts, such as feedback, stability, and optimality, as well as implementation issues, such as software and languages, will all receive attention.

    Interface with Operations Research and Computer Science. It is expected that the future developments of DEDS will continue to involve and be impacted by developments in OR and CS. This journal also welcomes papers dealing with issues at these intersections.

The journal welcomes submissions on all aspects of DEDS, including but not restricted to: theory and formal models (supervisory control, Petri-Nets, Min-Max-plus algebra, DEDS specification, or simulation formalisms), performance analysis, optimization, and optimal control (perturbation analysis, control synthesis, sample-path-based approaches, AI-based learning schemes, scalable solutions to large and complex systems), and applications (case studies and software engineering).
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-21
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