Journal Information
IEEE Access Factor: |
3.400 |
Publisher: |
2169-3536 |
Viewed: |
95402 |
Tracked: |
121 |
Call For Papers
Open Access IEEE Access is a multidisciplinary, online-only, gold fully open access journal, continuously presenting the results of original research or development across all IEEE fields of interest. Supported by article processing charges (APCs), its hallmarks are rapid peer review, a submission-to-publication time of 4 to 6 weeks, and articles that are freely available to all readers. Broad Scope IEEE Access publishes articles that are of high interest to readers: original, technically correct, and clearly presented. The scope of this journal comprises all IEEE fields of interest, emphasizing applications-oriented and interdisciplinary articles. IEEE Access hosts IEEE Society/Council Sections as well as Special Sections, which give researchers the opportunity to publish their work in dedicated topical sections. Bibliometrics IEEE is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). DORA is a set of recommendations and principles aimed at improving the way research outputs are evaluated, emphasizing the need to evaluate research based on its content, merits, and broader impacts rather than relying solely on journal-level metrics. IEEE provides a range of metrics to encourage a shift toward assessment based on the scientific content of an article rather than publication metrics of the journal in which it was published. See for more information.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-28
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Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
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