Journal of Cybersecurity
インパクト ・ ファクター:
Oxford University Press
Journal of Cybersecurity publishes accessible articles describing original research in the inherently interdisciplinary cyber domain. Journal of Cybersecurity is premised on the belief that computer science-based approaches, while necessary, are not sufficient to tackle cybersecurity challenges. Instead, scholarly contributions from a range of disciplines are needed to understand the varied aspects of cybersecurity.

Journal of Cybersecurity provides a hub around which the interdisciplinary cybersecurity community can form. The journal is committed to providing quality empirical research, as well as scholarship, that is grounded in real-world implications and solutions.

Journal of Cybersecurity solicits articles adhering to the following, broadly constructed and interpreted, aspects of cybersecurity:

    anthropological and cultural studies;
    computer science and security;
    security and crime science;
    cryptography and associated topics;
    security economics;
    human factors and psychology;
    legal aspects of information security;
    political and policy perspectives;
    strategy and international relations;
    and privacy.

Authors should ensure that their articles can be read at both interdisciplinary and disciplinary levels. For example, a paper may require, for completely rigorous communication, a technical mathematical, statistical, or other specialized section. Authors are expected to include an introductory summary of the content of the section describing its significance, thereby allowing non-experts to skip details as necessary.
最終更新 Dou Sun 2024-08-25
CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Journal of Pathology InformaticsElsevier2229-5089
cNeural Processing Letters2.600Springer1370-4621
Online Information Review3.100Emerald1468-4527
International Journal of Health Geographics3.000Springer1476-072X
IEEE Access3.400IEEE2169-3536
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information TechnologyINSIGHT2088-5334
Games and Culture2.400SAGE1555-4120
cArtificial Intelligence in Medicine6.100Elsevier0933-3657
Advances in Materials Science and EngineeringHindawi1687-8434
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MTNMInternational Conference on Manufacturing Technology and New Materials2023-06-08 2023-06-30
ICCSAITInternational Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies2014-03-162014-04-162014-08-22
bIWSECInternational Workshop on Security2019-04-022019-05-272019-08-28
NLPIInternational Conference on NLP & Information Retrieval2023-09-022023-09-112023-09-23
ICSRSInternational Conference on System Reliability and Safety2024-10-052024-10-202024-11-20
ICICMLInternational Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Machine Learning2024-10-21 2024-11-22
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IEEE MILCOMIEEE Military Communications Conference2024-06-102024-08-122024-10-28