Journal Information
IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications
Information Processing Society of Japan
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications (CVA) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. The journal is dedicated to publishing high-quality research articles, reviews, and letters in all areas of fundamental and applied computer vision and its applications. In addition to traditional core subject areas in computer vision, the journal also covers a broad spectrum of pattern recognition research including, but not limited to, early vision, data structures and representations, machine learning, and matching and recognition.
IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications has been publishing Open Access articles from all over the world through a fair, rigorous, and rapid review process, guided by an international editorial board of eminent researchers.

Additional information

IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications was established in 2009 by the Special Interest Group on Computer Vision and Image Media (SIG-CVIM) of the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), which is the largest professional computer science and information processing society in Japan established in 1960.

Papers should cover:

    Sensors, Range Imaging, Stereo vision, Cognitive vision, Active vision, Physics-based vision, Real Time Systems, Smart Sensors, Omnidirectional Vision, Projector-camera systems
     Early Vision, Filtering, Image and Data Representation, Feature Extraction, Segmentation, Texture and Color, Illumination and Reflectance, Super-resolution
    Camera Calibration, Modeling, Shape Representation, 2D and 3D modeling, Shape from X, Image Registration, Motion Analysis, Tracking
     Invariance in Recognition, Target/Object Recognition, Scene Analysis & Understanding, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks, Classification, Clustering, Statistical Methods, Manifold Learning, Kernel Methods, Support Vector Machines, Perceptual Learning, Learning Performance and Evaluation
     Vision for Graphics, Visualization, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Image-Based Modeling
     Face and Gesture, Surveillance, Biometrics, Human-computer Interaction, Medical Image Analysis, Biomedical Imaging
    Image Database Systems, Multimedia, Image and Video Retrieval, OCR, Document Analysis and Understanding, Video Analysis, Event Recognition
    Visual Navigation, Human-Robot Interaction, Humanoid Robots, Automation and Robotics, Visual Inspection
     Intelligent Transport Systems, Remote Sensing  

Why publish your article in IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications?

High visibility

IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications's open access policy allows maximum visibility of articles published in the journal as they are available to a wide, global audience. 

Speed of publication

IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications offers a fast publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous peer review; all articles must be submitted online, and peer review is managed fully electronically (articles are distributed in PDF form, which is automatically generated from the submitted files). Articles will be published with their final citation after acceptance, in both fully browsable web form, and as a formatted PDF; the article will then be available through IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications and SpringerOpen.


Online publication in IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications gives you the opportunity to publish large datasets, large numbers of color illustrations and moving pictures, to display data in a form that can be read directly by other software packages so as to allow readers to manipulate the data for themselves, and to create all relevant links (for example, to PubMed, to sequence and other databases, and to other articles).

Promotion and press coverage

Articles published in IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications are included in article alerts and regular email updates. 

In addition, articles published in IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications may be promoted by press releases to the general or scientific press. These activities increase the exposure and number of accesses for articles published in IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-19
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