Journal Information
Wireless Personal Communications
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

... The Journal on Mobile Communication and Computing ...

    Publishes tutorial, survey, and original research papers addressing mobile communications and computing;
    Investigates theoretical, engineering, and experimental aspects of radio communications, voice, data, images, and multimedia;
    Explores propagation, system models, speech and image coding, multiple access techniques, protocols, performance evaluation, radio local area networks, and networking and architectures, etc.;
    98% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again.

Wireless Personal Communications is an archival, peer reviewed, scientific and technical journal addressing mobile communications and computing. It investigates theoretical, engineering, and experimental aspects of radio communications, voice, data, images, and multimedia. A partial list of topics included in the journal is: propagation, system models, speech and image coding, multiple access techniques, protocols performance evaluation, radio local area networks, and networking and architectures.

In addition to the above mentioned areas, the journal also accepts papers that deal with interdisciplinary aspects of wireless communications along with: big data and analytics, business and economy, society, and the environment.

The journal features five principal types of papers: full technical papers, short papers, technical aspects of policy and standardization, letters offering new research thoughts and experimental ideas, and invited papers on important and emerging topics authored by renowned experts.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-21
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