Información de la conferencia
C&C 2024: International Conference on Creativity and Cognition
Día de Entrega:
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Vistas: 14821   Seguidores: 2   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
Call Description

We are pleased to invite submissions for papers to the ACM Creativity and Cognition 2024 conference. We encourage submissions that contribute with knowledge on various forms of creativity with topics ranging from designing or evaluating creativity-support environments and technologies to studying or reflecting on the experiences, practices, and cognitive processes in art, craft and design. The call is aligned with this year’s conference theme : “Organic, Creative Spaces.” This theme is inspired by the organic architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright used the term “organic architecture,” to refer to artificial forms that seemed to emerge on their own accord from the natural space that surrounds them. The broad horizontal lines and cutting-edge materials of Wright’s organic architecture were inspired, respectively, by the wide prairies of the American Midwest and the cityscape of his studio in Oak Park. Amidst these same surroundings, Creativity & Cognition is proud to hold its 2024 conference in Chicago, Illinois, and we take inspiration from Wright’s organic spaces for the 2024 conference. 

The theme highlights how cognitive and computational aspects of creativity and experience can learn from and at the same time beneficially impact the environment, nature as well as communities and cultures. Thus, we encourage submissions that leverage creative practices inspired by organic forms or in relationship with nature and issues around sustainability and de-centering design beyond humans. We also encourage submissions exploring new design approaches such as first-person or visual methods as well as qualitative and quantitative methodologies that provide insight into aspects of creative cognition such as inspiration from the environment or social creativity

Creativity and Cognition 2024 will be an in-person conference. Accepted submissions will be expected to have at least one author register, attend, and present the work at the conference in June 2024. 

Accepted full and short papers will be included in the Proceedings of Creativity and Cognition 2024, and will be made available in the ACM Digital Library.


We welcome high-quality submissions on a range of topics including, but not limited to:

    Creativity support environments and computing technologies designed to foster, promote, improve, and increase creative practices, experiences, processes, products, and services, including but not limited to gaming technologies, virtual and mixed reality technologies
    Capturing, representing, and analyzing creative processes and cognition
    Theoretical reflection on creativity and cognition
    Investigations of curation practices, platforms, and environments, in contexts from everyday to scholarly to museums
    Research on collaboration, crowdsourcing and micro-task activities in creative contexts
    New methodologies and theories for evaluating the impact of computing on creativity and cognition, or designing technologies for creative contexts, including first-person methods or longitudinal studies among others.
    Studies assessing creativity in diverse contexts such as work with underserved communities and cross-cultural contexts
    Studies of creativity applications applied to different domains such as learning, work, wellbeing, health, entertainment and Arts. 
    Explorations of organic creativity, or creativity emerging from or inspired by nature, such as bio-inspired/biological computing and design, or creative and computational artifacts incorporating or inspired by natural/organic materials, systems, and forms
    Research on the spaces wherein humans and computers create
    Creative approaches to sustainable computing and design
    Indigenous perspectives on organic creative spaces
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2023-10-05
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