Conference Information
ACC 2020: American Control Conference
Submission Date:
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Denver, Colorado, USA
Viewed: 24033   Tracked: 4   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
All conference submissions must be done through PaperPlaza and submitted by the deadline. Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the ACC and present their work.

Contributed papers
A contributed paper is intended to be a complete description of finished work. Accepted papers are limited to 6 pages in the conference proceedings at no extra charge; up to two extra pages are allowed for a per-page fee. Note that there is no separate short paper format.

Invited Sessions
Invited session proposals should present a unified theme from diverse viewpoints. Each proposal should consist of a summary statement and six regular papers (not abstracts). The organizer notifies Contributing Authors (CAs) of their invited session code. The corresponding author of each paper submits the paper online (PDF format) as an invited paper. Submission as an invited paper requires the invited session code.

For more information on invited sessions please contact the Vice Chair for Invited Sessions, Ardalan Vahidi

Tutorial Sessions:

Tutorial sessions are a type of invited session intended to provide an accessible introduction to a topic of general interest. Tutorial presentations may be 20, 40, or 60 minutes long, with the total session time not to exceed 2 hours. Papers are optional, but if submitted must undergo the standard review process. Tutorial papers may be up to 18 pages long, with the total page count of the session not to exceed 36 pages. Collaborations with industry are encouraged.

For more information on industry & application tutorial sessions please the Vice Chair for Industry & Applications, Mike Borrello.

Special Sessions
A brief description of the session, indicating the topic(s) to be covered and who will be making presentations in the session, should be submitted electronically (through PaperPlaza). Special sessions usually do not include presentations of papers that are peer-reviewed and included in the conference proceedings.

For more information, or to discuss possible special session topics, please contact the Vice Chair for Special Sessions, Dongmei Chen.

Poster Session
Following the paper acceptance deadline in February 2020, poster-only submissions will be accepted for a separate poster presentation track. The posters will be reviewed by the program committee, and no paper is required.

Support for Authors
Author’s Kits with style (.cls) files for LaTeX and templates (.dot) for MS-Word are available from the conference submission site. Go to the PaperPlaza website and select “Support” for these files and example files, or directly go to support page.

ACC 2020 Submission and Registration Policies

    All papers submitted to ACC 2020, whether for review or publication upon acceptance, must be written in English and formatted in the standard 2-column format provided on PaperPlaza.
    For initial submissions, all regular and invited papers are limited to eight (8) pages. PaperPlaza will not permit longer papers to be uploaded.
    For final upload and publication in the conference proceedings, all accepted contributed and invited papers are limited to six (6) pages at no extra charge. Authors may upload longer manuscripts up to a maximum of eight (8) pages total. However, each page in excess of six will incur a charge of USD 200.
    At least one of the authors listed on the paper must register for ACC 2020 at the full member/non-member rate to upload the final manuscript. A maximum of 4 papers can be uploaded with a single registration. Additional uploads on the same registration will require a payment of USD 200 per paper.
    Please note: If an author registers at a reduced registration rate (student/retiree), s/he will not be able to use that registration to upload the final paper.
    Please consider submitting your paper early and ensuring your paper satisfies the PDF check. Revised versions of papers can be resubmitted up until the deadline. No extensions of the deadline are foreseen.

All papers must be submitted electronically using PaperPlaza.

Only PDF files will be accepted. A maximum file size of 2MB for all uploaded papers is enforced. Click here for information on creating IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs.

Page size requirement:
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-08-11
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