Journal Information
Mathematics of Operations Research
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Mathematics of Operations Research is an international journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). The journal publishes excellent foundational articles having significant mathematical content and relevance to operations research and management science. The journal invites articles concerned with the mathematical and computational foundations in the areas of continuous, discrete and stochastic optimization, mathematical programming, dynamic programming, stochastic processes, stochastic models, simulation methodology, control and adaptation, networks, game theory and decision theory. Also sought are innovative and mathematical theories of inventory, manufacturing and distribution; organization, finance and marketing; routing, queuing and scheduling; data and storage management; location, reliability, search, measurement and service, artificial intelligence and machine learning among others. Contributions to mathematics that have special relevance for operations research and management science are encouraged. The emphasis is on originality, quality, and importance; correctness alone is not sufficient. Significant developments in operations research and management science not having substantial mathematical interest should be directed instead to Management Science or Operations Research.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-18
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