Mathematics of Operations Research
インパクト ・ ファクター:
Mathematics of Operations Research is an international journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). The journal invites articles concerned with the mathematical and computational foundations in the areas of continuous, discrete, and stochastic optimization; mathematical programming; dynamic programming; stochastic processes; stochastic models; simulation methodology; control and adaptation; networks; game theory; and decision theory. Also sought are contributions to learning theory and machine learning that have special relevance to decision making, operations research, and management science. The emphasis is on originality, quality, and importance; correctness alone is not sufficient. Significant developments in operations research and management science not having substantial mathematical interest should be directed to other journals such as Management Science or Operations Research.
最終更新 Dou Sun 2024-08-12
Special Issues
Special Issue on Mathematics of Market Design
提出日: 2024-09-30

Rationale: Market design is a field at the intersection of Operations Research, Computer Science, and Microeconomics focusing on design and analysis of performance of market mechanisms for allocation of scarce resources. The impact of market design and operations research has been mutual. On one hand, market allocation, coordination, and pricing problems arise naturally in many operations research problems, requiring new insights to address challenges due to scale, supply/demand uncertainty, limited information, interconnectedness of the modern practical settings. On the other hand, design of economic mechanisms for distributed large scale resource allocation has been strongly influenced by operations research techniques. This connection between market design and operations research has been critical in numerous successful practical applications: from spectrum auctions, procurement auctions, to energy markets, digital advertising markets to platform business models. Scope: The special issue will focus on mathematical and methodological contributions that consider design and performance of market mechanisms including allocative efficiency, stability, fairness, strategic, and computational complexity. Potential topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to, allocation and pricing in markets with indivisible goods; matching markets without money; algorithmic mechanism design; information design; learning in games and markets; etc. Guest Editorial Board: The special issue will be guest edited by: Saša Pekeč, Duke University Martin Bichler, Technical University of Munich Nicole Immorlica, Microsoft Research Scott Kominers, Harvard University Paul Milgrom, Stanford University In addition, the MOR Advisory Editors Alvin Roth (Stanford University) and Eva Tardos (Cornell University) will support the special issue.
最終更新 Dou Sun 2024-08-12
CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication SystemsIGI Global Publishing1947-3176
cInternational Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer1.100Springer1433-2779
cNeural Computing & Applications4.500Springer0941-0643
Computers, Materials & Continua2.000Tech Science Press1546-2218
IEEE Computer2.000IEEE0018-9162
International Journal of Technology Enhanced LearningInderscience1753-5255
IAENG International Journal of Computer ScienceInternational Association of Engineers1819-656X
bAdvanced Engineering Informatics8.000Elsevier1474-0346
cJournal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications1.100Springer0923-8174
cNatural Language Engineering2.500Cambridge University Press1351-3249
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社
International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication SystemsIGI Global Publishing
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer1.100Springer
Neural Computing & Applications4.500Springer
Computers, Materials & Continua2.000Tech Science Press
IEEE Computer2.000IEEE
International Journal of Technology Enhanced LearningInderscience
IAENG International Journal of Computer ScienceInternational Association of Engineers
Advanced Engineering Informatics8.000Elsevier
Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications1.100Springer
Natural Language Engineering2.500Cambridge University Press
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