PCEE 2022: International Conference on Power, Control and Energy Engineering
2022-10-15 Extended
Wuhan, China
閲覧: 6763   追跡: 0   出席: 0

PCEE 2022 is the premier interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Power, Control and Energy Engineering. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. The major topics include but are not limited to:

New Energy

    New Energy Vehicles
    Renewable Energy (Wind Power, Hydropower, Solar Energy, Biomass, Biofuel, Geothermal Energy, Wave Energy, Tidal Energy, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Energy Storage)
    Energy Transformation from New Energy System to Power Grid
    New Energy Strategy, Technology, Trend and Industrial Application
    Reliability, Maintenance, Safety and Guarantee of New Energy
    Energy Conservation
    Energy Conversion

Renewable Generation Integration

    Power generation toward low carbon
    Virtual power plants
    Active distribution networks
    P2X technologies

Power IOT

    Architecture of IoT
    Motors and Speed Drivers Big Data, Data Sharing and Cloud Computing
    Privacy and Security in IoT
    Interaction of IoT
    Power IoT Economy
    Application of Power IoT
    Application of Artificial Intelligence in Power IoT

Smart Grid

    Power and Energy System Applications
    Smart Sensors and Advanced Metrology Infrastructure
    Energy Management System
    Impact of Smart Grid on Distributed Energy
    Network Security System
    Wide Area Protection, Communication and Control of Energy Systems
    Key Infrastructure Elasticity
    Smart Grid Interoperability and Standards
    Smart Grid Deployment and Demonstration Project
    Deployable microgrid

Power Disaster and Protection

    High Voltage Flashover and Explosion Protection
    Personnel Safety Protection
    Safe Production of Power
    Leakage protection
    Wind Power Patrol Technology of UAV
    Early Warning Mechanism, Emergency Response Mechanism and Disaster Reconstruction Mechanism of Power System Natural Disasters

Power Market

    Power Market-oriented Transaction
    Power Market Economy
    Power Internationalization and International Marketing
    Clean Energy Market

Microgrids Dynamics and Control

    Microgrids Planning and Operation
    Microgrid Energy Management
    Grid-Connected Converters
    Cyber Security and Cyber Attack
    Virtual Synchronous Generator
    Virtual Dynamics
    Robust Power Grids
    Resilient Power Grids
    Energy Storage Systems
    Distributed Generation
    Demand Response
    Deregulation Policies
    New perspectives of renewable energy
    Power Devices and Driving Circuits
    Sustainable Energy Solutions
    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Solutions
    Data-Driven Modeling and Control
    Control, Intelligent Systems, Robotics
    Electrical machines design, control and drives
    Data-driven (modeless) predictive control techniques
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