Journal Information
Computing in Science & Engineering
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Physics, medicine, astronomy — these and other hard sciences share a common need for efficient algorithms, system software, and computer architecture to address large computational problems. And yet, useful advances in computational techniques that could benefit many researchers are rarely shared. To meet that need, Computing in Science & Engineering (CiSE)–a bimonthly magazine–presents scientific and computational contributions in a clear and accessible format. Learn about the magazine’s history.

Authors for CiSE contribute articles on a broad range of topics, and our readers come from a variety of computational fields. In addition to full-length, peer-reviewed articles, CiSE has departments that cover news and analysis, education, industrial applications, book reviews, scientific programming, grid computing, visualization, and conference reports. Please read our Author Information page for instructions on how to submit an article.


The computational and data-centric problems faced by scientists and engineers transcend disciplines. There is a need to share knowledge of algorithms, software, and architectures, and to transmit lessons-learned to a broad scientific audience. CiSE is a cross-disciplinary, international publication that meets this need by presenting contributions of high interest and educational value from a variety of fields, including—but not limited to—physics, biology, chemistry, and astronomy. CiSE emphasizes innovative applications in advanced computing, simulation, and analytics, among other cutting-edge techniques. CiSE publishes peer-reviewed research articles, and also runs departments spanning news and analyses, topical reviews, tutorials, case studies, and more.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-28
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