Conference Information
RTIS' 2023: International Conference on Real-time Intelligent Systems
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Luton, UK
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Call For Papers
The International Conference on Real-time Intelligent Systems (RTIS) has travelled from Beijing, China (2016), and now reached the UK. The 5th edition will take place at the University of Bedfordshire, UK.

Over the last few years, real-time intelligent computing has radically transformed the human lifestyle. Research on real-time intelligent systems is multi-disciplinary, exploiting concepts from diverse areas such as big data processing, computational intelligence, location-based services, recommendation systems, and multimedia processing. In today’s highly dynamic environment, analysing data in real-time is a must to understand how systems process data, reason the outputs, and anticipate trends in intelligent computing. To this end, this conference will serve as a platform to manifest the ongoing research in the field. Thus, RTIS welcomes theoretically grounded, methodologically sound papers that address aspects related to topics, such as:

Artificial Intelligence Techniques

    Artificial Intelligence and Data mining
    Streaming data, streaming engines
    Trace-based intelligent real-time services
    Adaptive vision algorithms
    Location based services
    Intelligent Robotic Systems
    Collaborative Intelligence

Processing Intelligent Databases

    Data capture in real-time
    Data quality and cleansing
    Intelligent Data Analysis
    Intelligent Database Systems
    Big Data systems and applications for high-velocity data
    Intelligent Information Systems
    Privacy and security in Intelligence

Software Engineering Solutions

    Intelligent Soft Computing
    Real-time multiprocessor systems
    Internet of Things
    Architectures for Intelligence
    Real-time distributed coding
    Smart services and platforms
    Real-time modeling user’s information needs

Wireless Communication

    Real-time intelligent communication
    Real-time intelligent network solutions
    Mobile Smart Systems
    Broadband Intelligence
    Cloud Computing and Intelligence
    Collaborative Intelligence
    Analysis in domains such as energy, sensors

Expert Systems

    Decision support systems in real time
    Multi-agent Intelligent Systems
    Multilingual information access
    Recommendation systems
    Real-time intelligent alert systems
    Real-time remote access systems
    Intelligent Transportation Systems

Critical Real Time Applications

    Real-time noise removal systems
    Event-driven analytics
    Intelligent Fuzzy Systems
    Machine translation in real time
    OLAP for real-time decision support
    Crowdsourcing and crowd intelligence

Submission, proceedings

Papers must be submitted online through OpenConf. Author instructions along with LaTex2e (preferred) and Word macro files are available at the submission page. Submitted papers should not exceed 14 pages (long papers) and 8 pages (short ones), including figures, tables and references. Authors of accepted papers are required to transfer their copyrights. For a paper to appear in the proceedings, at least one of the authors MUST register for the conference by the camera-ready submission deadline with a full registration.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-07-01
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