Conference Information
MMSys 2025: ACM Multimedia Systems Conference
Submission Date:
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Stellenbosch, South Africa
QUALIS: b3   Viewed: 44275   Tracked: 16   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
Topics of Interest

Submissions are solicited on all aspects of multimedia systems, including but not limited to:
AI and Machine Learning in Multimedia Systems

    Machine/Deep learning for multimedia understanding and all aspects of multimedia systems
    Analytics for multimedia content and systems

Media Content

    Content generation, adaptation, and summarization
    Multiview, 360 degrees media
    3D, and volumetric media, meshes, Light fields, Point clouds
    Authoring language and tools
    Video games and cloud gaming

Networking and Communication

    Adaptive streaming of multimedia content
    Sustainable (green) multimedia systems
    Network and system support for multimedia
    Mobile multimedia and 5G/6G
    Internet of Things (IoTs) and multimedia

Computing Paradigms for Multimedia

    Cloud and edge computing for multimedia systems
    Distributed systems for multimedia
    Cyber-physical systems
    Digital twins
    Autonomous multimedia systems

Quality and Performance

    Quality of Experience (QoE)
    Evaluation Performance
    User behaviour analysis and modelling

Multimedia Applications

    Multimedia systems for robotics and unmanned vehicles
    Multimedia systems for health
    Audio, image, and video coding for humans and machines
    Multi-sensory experiences
    Social VR/XR
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-09-04
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